Sunday, April 19, 2009


Returning to blogging after a really long time. Dont think anyone has read any of the earlier posts. I havent yet received any "stop this blog" messages, which convinces me.
I spent the entire weekend. Not really important what I spent it on, but its noteworthy that its "spent". Friday evening was blessed. "Kande Pohe" being served at my house, cooked by people I barely know (my roomy's friends) and without a person-second effort from me. Yeah, weekend or no weekend, verbiage like person-second , although an improvisation, has stuck on my tongue. "Kande Pohe" were good. There was a side dish of Kebabs and Potato vada, from the local Indian Store.
And this weekend ends with a "Dhoom". Yes, the action packed, thriller, with a lot of non-sense. But thats what the tired mind and a worried brain demands.
Before the weekend, there are aspirations for some rest, some entertainment, some unfinished tasks to be completed. During the weekend, its rest, lots of entertainment whose relief to the mind is ephemeral and a lot of procrastination. After the weekend, its a lot of abuse : "Pranav , how dare you blow away your weekends over such petty entertainment; Have you no worries for your future?".
This is a story that has repeat shows, each weekend.
"Lessons learnt" are forming a library of themself.