Saturday, November 3, 2007

Questions n thought

Hi readers,
Heres a small introduction of 'me':
I am an engineering graduate from Mumbai.
I am currently working in Stamford,CT,USA for TCS(Tata) on a Genworth Financial project.
I am an avid reader. I love mystery as well as fiction. I love to dig deep into information on esoteric phenomena.
I do like to keep myself updated on technology, being in IT I am expected to do more.
I have a large apetite for sports and music.
Love cricket and football. Love Lata and Rafi.

Questions n Thoughts
I love to read, and do get involved in the storyline and the characters frequently. Love to think over whatever I have read. Somewhere in my thought process I link totally discreet events and try to make more meaning out of either events.
Reading about current affairs has lately inspired an urge to decipher the real information from the "News". The belief that "News" are adulterated for more TRPs and under existing pressure form government and extra government power bodies, has sunk in too deep to believe what I see, without a thought.
This thought process does give birth to many "Questions". These are basically those information clusters that have not yet been revealed to the thinking brain. And since the thought process cant continue without the information it asks for, starts another interesting but painful cycle of "Search".
This blog intends to put forward my thoughts and get more information from my readers.
Seems to be a pretty selfish propaganda, but I think its fair in the world of "Right to Information"

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